West Sussex









The West Sussex Volunteer Trust objects are:


To promote the efficiency of the Territorial Army in Hampshire and West Sussex in such charitable ways as the trustees from time to time determine.


Officers and Trustees



Chair - Dr David Sanders.


Secretary - Dr Ian Stott.


Treasurer - Mr Nick Fox.


To apply:




[email protected]




Sub-Units eligble to apply



Battalion Headquarters, 103 Battalion REME (V)


Unit Role

The task of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) is to ensure the operational fitness of Army equipment. Whilst there has always been a requirement for qualified tradesmen and engineers, REME has been particularly key to recent operations with soldiers deploying to Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Battalion Headquarters directs, controls and co-ordinates the three companies. This will increase to four companies when 118 Recovery Company based in Northampton joins the Battalion on 1st April 2005 and Battalion Headquarters will then exercise command over 400 people in both peacetime and on operations anywhere in the world. Individuals joining Battalion Headquarters are trained as Vehicle Mechanics, Technical Storemen, Driver/Radio Operators, Military Clerks, Finance Clerks, Chefs and Regimental Specialists.


Unit Job Opportunities

We are currently looking for Young Officers, Military Clerks, Chefs, Finance Clerks, Technical Storemen, Driver/Radio Operators and Regimental Specialists.


Unit Contact

The Battalion Headquarters trains every Tuesday from 20.00 – 22.00 hours plus one or two weekends a month. There is also an annual 2 week camp, frequently abroad.

TA Centre, 29 Kilnmead, Northgate, Crawley, West Sussex - RH10 8BD

T 01293 552976 F 01293 539863 E [email protected] 






63 (Special Air Service) Signal Squadron (Volunteers)


Unit Contact

TA Centre, Baker Barracks, Thorney Island, West Sussex, PO10 8ER




6 Platoon B (Royal Sussex) Company 3 PWRR (V)


Unit Role

3rd Battalion The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment (3 PWRR), known as the Tigers, is the county Infantry Regiment for Hampshire, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. It can trace its origins back to the 16th Century and has been involved in virtually every campaign of the British Army. The Regiment has two Regular battalions and is the only line infantry regiment to have its own Territorial battalion – 3 PWRR, which covers Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Recruits into 3 PWRR are trained to use both small arms and larger weapons and be proficient in field craft. There are also opportunities to gain skills in a number of areas including, Radio Operators, Medics, Chefs, Drivers and more. The battalion is prepared to take a lead role as part of the Civil Contingency Reaction Force (CCRF) if required. Many members of 3 PWRR have served very recently in Afghanistan and Iraq. A full platoon will deploy to Iraq in 2005.


Unit Contact

The Units train every Wednesday from 19.30 – 21.30 plus one or two weekends a month. There is also an annual camp, frequently abroad and most recently in Kazakhstan.

TA Centre, Little High Street, Worthing, West Sussex - BN11 1DH

T 01903 820713  E [email protected]















Membership is open to individuals over eighteen or organizations who are approved by the Trustees.  The Trustees’ decision following any written representations must be notified to the applicant in writing but shall be final.  Membership is not transferable to anyone else.






Each member shall have one vote but if there is an equality of votes the person who is chairing the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to any other vote he or she may have.




Officers and Trustees



The Charity has the following Officers:


• Chair, Dr David Sanders.


• Secretary, Dr Ian Stott.


• Treasurer, Mr Nick Fox.




Powers of Trustees



The Trustees manage the business of the Charity to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the Objects;




Proceedings of Trustees



Trustees regulate their proceedings as they think fit, subject to the provisions of the constitution (reproduced at the end of this WWW Page).  The quorum is two.